Our company BIN BASHIR is specialized in the supply and trade of raw materials / ingredients for the food industry. We select the best products and ingredients in order to guarantee you a constant quality.
The products we offer require vigilance and quality. Thus with an experienced and proactive team, we understand that the trade of these products requires a constant and serious follow-up. We wish to provide our customers with a complete range of products.
Bin Bashir enjoys long-standing relationships with world-class manufacturers in PERU, USA, MEXICO, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, SPAIN, ITALY, THAILAND, INDIA, and TURKEY etc. Our extensive network of suppliers allows us to identify the best value for a specific raw material requirement.
We seek to create real business relationships that often lead to a long-term partnership. Thus our work does not stop at the simple signing of your contract. Commitment and dedication are vital at BIN BASHIR. Our customers' satisfaction is paramount important. In this regard, we have chosen to diversify our offer.BIN BASHIR strives to realize business with success. We offer a range of quality, price, packaging and logistics options to best suit our customers’ needs. We are pro-actively working since 2008.